
Thursday, August 19, 2010

yep, it's me!

I know I have not been as good as writing here as I should. I have been trying to get inspired and write meaningful things but to be honest, I can't seem to find my light.

What have we been up to? Well... not much. You know the same old wake up-get ready-clean-cook sort of routine. I have been venturing out a little but the weather has been so miserable that it's hard to plan anything. Ughhh, wet weather is not great is it? The lawns are so long now it looks like we live in the jungle. But can't mow them until this rain decides to give us a break.

I found a really cute shop in town, it's an antique shop and I love it. I also have been browsing around, getting to know this place a bit better.

Other than that, I am planning Allyah's birthday party which will happen next weekend. It will be at the park - weather permitting of course. For the first time, I will be making the decorations, so watch this space....

If there is anyone that even still reads my blog, don't be shy! Say hello! Make my day :)


  1. I know what you mean about writing inspiring and meaningful things, I have the same problem too! I always want my posts to be interesting, but sometimes I just can't think of anything interesting to say.

    Good luck planning your birthday party and have a great day!

  2. I will trade you your wet weather for our very dry very hot weather!

    I also have the same problem with the writing. I should be writing now but instead figured i would catch up some of my favorite blogs that i have been neglecting lately.

  3. I'm trying to post a comment, but it's almost impossible, because your blog doens't aloud me!
    Anyway, I'm trying again!
    I miss you a lot!
    Pri, your cousin =) - with comments in english!!!

  4. Agora em português, já que eu consegui!

    como estão os preparativos do niver da Allyah? já sabe o que vc vai fazer? tema de decoração?
    Ai meu Deus, ser mãe não é facil né, tem que ser criativa, se virar, mesmo com o tempo ruim, chuva!!! e tá chegando a minha vez, ehehehe
