
Saturday, June 5, 2010

My birthday and such

Yesterday I turned 29. There's something about eing nearly 30 that bothers me somehow. I think it's that big milestone that is arount the corner, the fact that I won't be a 20-something anymore. The fact that you are for sure a grown up. I know 30 is not old - but it's a corner turned. But I am not there yet, I still have one year of being a 20-something, so I might as well enjoy it.

My day was quite quiet actually. Hubby is not here and that made me sad. Allyah went to a play date and I had Bella and Elijah tagging along with me. Bella said she was going to try and be a good girl for my birthday, as it turned out, I waited all day for it, it didn't happen, hehe. She is a livewire that girl, throughout the day I got about 10 handmade cards from her, everytime she remembered it was by birthday, she made me one.

I had to go and clean the farm house which didn't take me long, it had to be done.

So we pottered along all day.

I had a couple of friends over in the evening and everyone gotto try my chocolate cheesecake, it was actually quite good, my first cheesecake. I was surprised how easy it was to make - so I will definately be making more.

Spoke to Jason in Australia, he is trying to get us a car, and he is thinking of driving from Adelaide to Mount Gambier. I miss my hubby.

I am not feeling that inspired to write lately, maye when things slow down a bit, my inspiration will come back? Maybe if I have some left over cheesecake for breakfast will help? Hmmmm,.... worth a try!

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